Information: Business in Estonia
A wide information and facts on the topic of doing business in Estonia and how to set up business. Read further.
Estonia - perfect for business set up
Read about how foreign companies are discovering Estonia as a provider of share services functions. So far foreign companies have transferred to Estonia mainly for production jobs because of cheaper prices, but now also white collar jobs are moving to Estonia.
Bank list of Estonia
Corporate banking in Estonia is essential for conducting business in the country, as an Estonian bank account is an important tool in managing your finances. This is a list of Estonian banks, to which we provide accounting services. Banks in Estonia have their own specific niche where we can come handy. Baltic Legal will do all the job needed to provide best accounting in Estonia services.
Accounting in Estonia
Accounting laws in Estonia are similar to those of EU, but some details are different. Reade more about these differences, as well as about how to submit an annual report and register a Value Added Tax (VAT) payer in Estonia.
Commerial Register of Estonia
The Commercial Register of Estonia provides information about the enterprises registered in the country. It also provides tools that aid in registering and managing a company in Estonia, such as an online annual report submission tool.
Doing business in Estonia
Estonia is a good example of EU free business and trade traditions. The Estonian fiscal policy is mainly oriented towards long-term financial end economic growth. Estonia is also one of the most developed Baltic States in term of Information Technology, which allows for modern and effective business practice.
E-Residency in Estonia
E-Residency is a way to make use of Estonian IT facilities without actually moving to Estonia and becoming a resident. Estonian E-Residency allows managing an Estonian company without the need to leave your own country. It also grants a digital signature which can be used to sign contracts and other corporate documents on behalf of your Estonian company.
Land Register of Estonia
Estonian Land Register contains information regarding property in Estonia, including data on property encumbrances, which may be of use when concluding deals that involve Estonian real estate. The Land Register is digitalized, meaning that anyone can easily and effectively access the information on Estonian real estate online.
VAT in Estonia
Every Estonian company that exceeds a certain ammount in taxable assets is required to register as a VAT (Value Added Tax) payer. These Estonian companies receive a VAT payer number that is used for identification when appropriate. Any overpaid Value Added Tax can also be reclaimed back - it is paid by the country where the VAT payer company is registered.
Financial sector of Estonia
Estonian financial sector offeres a wide range of banking, trading and investemnt options. As a part of European Union, Estinonian fiscal policies are shaped by the EU policies to a large extent, and in combination with local peculiarities make Estonia one of the most developed players on the market.
General information about Estonia
Estonia is a country in Easter Europe and is one of the three Baltic States, together with Latvia and Lithuania. Because of its history and geography, Estonian culture has been influenced by the traditions of the adjacent Finnic, Baltic, Slavic and Germanic cultures, as well as former dominant powers - Sweden and Russia.
Legal system of Estonia
Estonian legal system represents the continental European legal tradition that stems from Roman-Germanic legal systems of the past. Its main values are similar to those found in other EU countires - openness, liberalism and international cooperation. Estonian legal system employs various lawmaking tools, including the Constitution, EU regulations, international agreements, as various acts and rules.
Taxes in Estonia
Apart from Value Added Tax (VAT), Estonia impsoes a number of other corporate taxes, such as corporate income tax, land tax, income taxes and other. Taxes in Estonia comprise both state taxes imposed upon the whole country and local taxes, charged by local governments and/or city councils and collected from their respective territories.
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